Traffic Swarm


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


that I do know it all.

I was watching a very bimbotic programme on C4TV

"Beauty and the Geek"

It's a production by Ashton Kutcher of That70'sShow and Punk'd fame (and of course being DM's cute hubby)

It was the second to last episode from Season 3.
I must admit despite it being bimbotic, it was quite funny to watch. I so envy the blondes' very gorgeous hair and dazzling white teeth.
Anyway, it was the elimination part, and the couples had to answer questions.
They were mostly easy questions (eg - what animal is mutton from....)
then a question came..
"how many seconds must a bullrider stay on the bull to gain points?"
And for some reason I KNEW THE ANSWER!
Totally random, and I don't know how I knew, but I knew...
8 Seconds...
I proudly told my TV before the contestant too answered "8 seconds"
CORRECT of course :)
Man, I do know it all...

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